The choreography of your home/body
Especial thanks:
@malcolmxbetts, @movementresearch for the inspiration of today’s lesson (love letter to your body) which leaded me to creat this video.
@robinsharma ‘s fascinating leadership/coaching materials which help me to build one’s body/home stronger.
“PART 1”
The choreography of your home/body
This bidy, this home, this space
The choreography of everyday
This bidy, this architecture, this space
This body is being danced
5his dance in this space, here, home, that’s what you make
Color, rythme, happiness, sadness, in/out, fears, strength, trust, small, big
That’s what you make
The choreography of your body, the choreography of your home
I invite you to creat a choreography of your day, a home for your body
Dance it’s architecture
Put the floor, the windows, the doors, the walls
Courage, Trust, Compassion, Joy and fairness...